Español English
Family: Mimosaceae
Scientific name: Inga edulis Mart.
Common name: Ice cream bean tree
Specific site: Max Freire Estate in Floreana
Zone: Húmeda      Substratum: Humífero-arcilloso
Project: Sustainable Agricultural Practices / Agricultura
Treatment: Waterboxx®      Control: 1931      Date of sown: 27/01/2015
Inga edulis
Species in Groasis box

Plant location on the map

Registry results by Growth

Registry results by Growth rate


Registry Date Height Growth Growth rate Total growth
1 18/01/2015 24.00 cm 0.00 cm 0.0000 cm/day 0.00 cm
2 02/03/2015 27.40 cm 3.40 cm 0.0791 cm/day 3.40 cm
3 24/04/2015 30.80 cm 3.40 cm 0.0642 cm/day 6.80 cm
4 30/05/2015 34.20 cm 3.40 cm 0.0944 cm/day 10.20 cm
5 10/06/2015 41.00 cm 6.80 cm 0.6182 cm/day 17.00 cm

Project: Donors: