Español English
Family: Malvaceae
Scientific name: Gossypium darwinii G. Watt
Common name: Darwin´s cotton
Specific site: Route of the Scalesia affinis in Santa Cruz
Zone: Árida      Substratum: Humífero-rocoso
Project: Restauración ecológica / Urban restoration
Treatment: BioChar      Control: 19349      Date of sown: 15/09/2023
Gossypium darwinii
Species in Groasis box

Plant location on the map

Registry results by Growth

Registry results by Growth rate


Registry Date Height Growth Growth rate Total growth
1 15/09/2023 24.00 cm 0.00 cm 0.0000 cm/day 0.00 cm
2 20/12/2023 49.00 cm 25.00 cm 0.2604 cm/day 25.00 cm
3 12/07/2024 53.00 cm 4.00 cm 0.0195 cm/day 29.00 cm

Images from registries:


Project: Donors: